Friday, April 27, 2007

Coming to a Family Reunion Near You

The Tueller Shirt is making a comeback. And its about time. My old shirt is so threadbare and gross that Clark seems to keep his distance when I put it on. Its no wonder, this shirt has got to be at least 30 years old.

So in honor of this year's Tueller Family Reunion, taking place in Utah this July, I was hoping to revive this awesome classic.

Last night I downloaded a trial version of Adobe Illustrator (maybe one day I can afford to buy the whole thing, but who has $600 lying around?!?!). I was worried that I had forgotten how to use it, but lo and behold, I was able to come up with this.

The Tueller shirt is back in action.


Grandma Jan said...

That'll be twelve for the Lowman clan, please! Hooray! I always loved that shirt and was devastated when mine was stolen off my clothesline in Jakarta c. 1987--later spotted being worn in the kampung. I was too chicken to challenge the wearer, though.

Petra said...

Yes! I want one! I was always so jealous of that shirt!