Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Poetry or Production

Clark recently learned that the Law Journal is going to publish his article, "Poetry or Production: Functionality in the Architectural Work Copyright Protection Act." Basically, his article is about whether or not the copyright act extends to the useful aspects of a building. He talks about what test you should use to determine whether a functional aspect (with unique aesthetic qualities) of an architectural work is copyrighted.

You think this would be interesting to me. I handled all the rights and reproduction issues at the Museum of Art and I absolutely loved that part of my job. But I've read some of his past papers and articles, and its like reading a different language. The Clark I married used to write beautifully and well... creatively. I guess there's something about first year Legal Writing that sucks all the imagination out of you and allows you to become fluent in legalese.

I can't complain though. One day, hopefully soon, that legalese will pay for a down payment on a house and maybe some vacations to visit my parents overseas! In the meantime, I'll just remind myself that pre-law-school-Clark is still there, underneath law-school-Clark- who may write differently, but still writes well according to editors at the Journal.

To honor him, here's an etching I did back at BYU. In fact, we were dating at the time and I have fond memories of Clark hanging out in the studio while I was covered in acid, rubbing alcohol and ink. He found me cute even then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Clark. I didn't even understand the title of the article. It sounds smart.