Booker is definitely no longer my baby. He's a little boy now. And not just any little boy, a boy's boy. I was hoping he would be different... maybe prefer puppets and books over balls and cars. But I can tell already, he's going to be a handful. Here are some things he does that make me yearn for the quiet little baby boy he started off as:
1. He's constantly DIRTY. He loves to knock over the trash can when I'm not looking and play with the garbage. He also loves playing in the toilet water, playing with Brody's food and water, and he definitely enjoys rolling around in the big sandy lot that is our back yard. Just within the last five minutes, I've had to strip him of his clothes and clean up a big puddle of V8 juice because he managed to open up his Sippy cup. Last night, he went through 3 different pairs of pajamas before he went to bed. Sometimes he takes two baths a day.
2. He gets into EVERYTHING. His favorite drawer in the kitchen is the tupperware drawer. Sometimes I'll go in the kitchen to find little stacks and towers of tuperware all over. He also loves my underwear drawer and can often be found with a bra around his neck. I have to keep the doors to the laundry room and the two bathrooms closed at all times. He knows where I stash my 100 calorie snacks and is endlessly bringing them to me and eagerly asking, "Dee?" (please). The other day, I left him alone in the empty bathtub for a few minutes. When I came back, he had EATEN half a bar of soap. Truly disgusting.
3. He's covered in bruises and scratches. I think Booker has the same sense of adventure that I had as a little girl but eventually grew out of. He has two favorite games. The first is standing on the table next to the couch and throwing himself like a stiff board onto whomever is cluelessly watching TV. The other game involves a willing parent. We creep up to him while growling loudly and he pretends not to notice. As soon as we get close enough, he lunges at us screaming like a little girl. Once he's free, he runs in the other direction like a madman and the game continues. Oh, his other favorite game which we are desperately trying to discourage is shoving his arm down Brody's throat as far as it can go and laughing as Brody's gags helplessly. Its terrible.
4. He's very independent. When its time to eat, I simply hold up his different choices and he shakes his head if he's not interested. If I hold up something he wants, his face lights up and he says, "Dooooooooo." When its time to go somewhere, I tell him we're going Bye-bye and before I know it he's at the door repeating, "Ba-ba." When I pull him out of the carseat, he likes to be the one to close the car door. When it comes to bedtime, there is no cuddling or rocking involved. We just place him in his crib where he proceeds to throw all his stuffed animals onto the floor. Its a strange routine.
He's loud, he's dirty, and he's much messier than any child of mine should be. I miss baby Booker sometimes, but I love the little boy that he's becoming- even if it means I do twice as much laundry. I even love that he's loud and obnoxious because when he's quiet and inconspicuous, then I know he's up to no good. Perhaps my girl (because the next one will be a girl) will be a girl's girl and I'll have fun with bows, dresses, cute little tights and rhinestone necklaces.
Until then, I have to deal with this lovable sword-wielding, V8-reeking, clothes-hating little monster.

Margaret, Tyler and Booker must be cut from the same cloth. Except Tyler is always wet, not dirty. He finds water (usually) anywhere and is only really content when splashing and pouring. Move up here and they can make mud together!
Wait a minute - When was he a quiet baby boy? In the womb?
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