I got some wonderful gifts. A beautiful necklace and matching bracelet from Clark and money from both my dad and my loving Grandma. Even Booker cashed in, with a Sacajawea dollar coin from his Great-Grandma Tueller. What a lucky boy!
I have two purposes for this post. First, I'm calling out my mother. She did not call me on my birthday and I am using this very public arena to air my grievances and self-pity. Mostly self pity, because I'm good at that. Even my dad called me from Amman, so there's absolutely no reason you can't call from Provo, Utah. An email would have worked too. A text message could have gotten the point across. I just wanted to know that she remembered me today. I may have turned 23, but when it comes to things like this, I may as well be 5 years old. My feelings are hurt. Humph.
Now that that's off my chest, I'll tell you about my favorite birthday present this year. Today, I got a card from my sister and in it was her 60 day chip. SHE GAVE IT TO ME!!! I can't believe it. Two months of sobriety from my sister is THE best gift I could ever receive. Seriously, how cool is that? Very cool. I love it. I absolutely love this little chip. I'm obsessed with it. Its perfect and everything it represents is perfect. I'm going to put it under my pillow at night and in my shoe during the day. Just kidding, but maybe not. I like it that much.
Anyways, I'm off to take a hot shower to wash away the Halloween grime and to watch some episodes of Undeclared to "wash" away the terrible abandonment I feel right now. I'm only half kidding- I am such a drama queen, I really am. I want to thank everyone who made my birthday so awesome and I guess that includes my mother since I love wallowing in self-pity so much. Thank you, thank you for a great 23rd birthday.

Happy birthday again. Glad to hear your day was good.
i'm so sorry I didn't call or send an email yesterday. And I'm sorry I didn't make danny remember too.
happy birthday margaret!!! i had no idea we had 5 years between us - that's so bizarre to me. oh well :) i KNEW i saw your mother! i was in deseret book during priesthood session a few weeks back and i was like, i've only seen her once, but i SWEAR that's margaret's mom :) makes sense now, knowing she's in provo and didn't call you on your birthday! :) jk. hope it was a fantastic day!
I didn't wish you Happy Birthday yesterday either, Margaret. But when we sang in a faculty meeting to another October 31st birthday girl, I thought of you for sure. Thanks for the great blogs--part of my daily wake-up routine at my desk. Lots of love & a big Great-Aunt kiss for Booker!
okay, i feel like a stalker! 2 comments on 1 post?! :) tag - you're it again :) check the blog for the rules.
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