5 things I was doing 10 years ago: I was 13 and living in London
1- Growing boobs, as you can quite obviously tell from this photo. (I can still remember my grandmother's disapproving look when I showed up at my cousin Nadia's wedding in that dress.)
2- Taking the tube all the way from Hampstead to Kensington to spend the night every weekend at my best friend, Catharine Tack's house.
3- Taking the #13 or #82 double decker bus to school each day.
4- Swimming two hours everyday with the Camden Swiss Cottage Swim Club (CSCSC for short).
5- Avoiding hamburgers because of mad cow disease.
5 things on my "to-do" list tomorrow:
1- Write my brother David.
2- Take Booker to get fitted for special ear plugs at the Audiologist.
3- Get an emissions test for the car.
4- Go to the gym.
5- Laundry.
5 things I would do if I had a million dollars:
1- Pay off our student loans.
2- Buy Clark a Wii, a guitar amp and some golf lessons.
3- Buy a house/some land.
4- Start saving for an early retirement.
5- Start saving for a month long trip to Cairo to visit my family next year!
5 things I will never wear again:
2- Doc Martens and a mini skirt, together or separately. (What can I say? Middle school was hard on me)
3- Anything that will make my grandma give me a disapproving look.
4- A pair of heels
5- A bikini
Favorite toys:
1- Photoshop
2- Laptop
3- Digital camera
4- Fake glasses with nose/mustache from the $ store (heh heh)
5- Any toy that will keep Booker from mauling me every two seconds.
5 people I'm tagging:
The Burtons, the Singers, the Krumperkids, the Wernlis, Purple Petra and the Rabid Paladin (more than five... ohwell).
1 comment:
okay margaret, i'm about to have tears in my eyes! that is so awesome to see him go! and, although i didn't ever have tubes (i almost did and had major chronic swimmer's ear for YEARS) i understand a tiny bit :) what a big day to be a mom!
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