Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I decided to keep Valentine's Day simple this year. We aren't exactly rolling in cash at this point in our married life, but we are, however, quite rich in food stamps (yes, folks, we're that poor).

So instead of giving Clark a gift, I wanted to give him something he hasn't had in a long time (well, two things he hasn't had in a long time but we'll keep this blog PG rated): A DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED MEAL!

I can count on my hand the times I've cooked dinner since I've been pregnant. The past few months have marked a very selfish period in my life and I've had the terrible attitude of "if I can't eat, then no one else should either." Clark has been a trooper and subsided on cold cereal and fast food without any complaints.

But recently something miraculous has happened and I've been hesitant to admit it for fear of jinxing myself. So here goes nothing... I've been feeling much better. Yes, its true. I haven't thrown up in days. Perhaps its a combination of Zofran/Phenergan or just my entry into the second trimester. Whatever it is, I'm grateful and a little hopeful that perhaps the difference between this pregnancy and the last could be the sex of the baby ;)

So this Valentine's Day is special because I finally feel like I can return to being the spouse and mother that Clark and Booker truly deserve. And I'll prove it with this wonderful menu:

- Lemon, garlic and rosemary chicken
- Taboule salad
- Asparagus and butternut squash with mango/chile dressing
- Garlic Bread
- Macaroni salad
- Cantelope

And for dessert:
- Martenelli's & chocolate covered strawberries
(I considered for a brief moment, chocolate-coating a hotdog for Booker but instead, decided to make him some chocolate-covered Nilla wafers so he can also partake of the yumminess).

I know this seems like a lot of food, and it is. I'm hoping that the left-overs will provide for Clark and Booker while I'm in Utah this weekend for Jules' wedding!

** This meal was made possible by Fresh & Easy. If you live in Arizona, California or Nevada you ought to check it out. They're popping up like weeds here in the valley. Its like Trader Joe's- fresh food, a great variety of food, and cheap food. I'm a huge fan!

1 comment:

sherry said...

That is a really ambitious menu! I made Wendell chicken enchiladas and I was pretty proud of myself;) I will have to see if there is a Fresh and Easy near us. I am glad you are feeling so much better.